Since 1992, PAVE Global's mission has been to mentor, inspire, and connect student designers to the extraordinary professional world of creating and designing consumer environments.
To commemorate its 30th anniversary in 2023, PAVE introduced a prestigious new accolade to honor and acknowledge rising student visionaries. These exceptional individuals are anticipated to revolutionize the industry with their groundbreaking concepts and designs, making a positive impact on the world around us through design.
All submissions will be judged blindly by a panel of industry professionals. One student will be selected to receive the following:
$7,500 cash prize
An invitation to attend the 2024 PAVE Gala in NYC to network with Industry Professionals and be honored for this award. Travel, hotel, and per diem will be covered.
$1,000 to the student's school/department or educator for travel to attend the 2024 PAVE Gala (to be determined by the school or department).
Students will prepare and submit (4) 11"x 17" boards containing their own pre-existing, relevant, design work following the outlined process and criteria.
Overarching Statement:
All projects must be innovative in nature. Projects should exemplify creativity and be distinguished by their unique and thoughtful design thinking. Each solution must solve one or more of the following sub-topics:
Human-centered Design
Inclusive/Universal Design
Cultural Awareness/DEI
Contemporary/Reactive Design
Sustainability/Adaptive Reuse
If submitting group work, students must be clear about their role in the project. Must have made a significant impact working on the project, and must credit collaborators
STEP 1 - Pick one of your projects that embodies one of the following sub-topics:
Human-centered Design
Inclusive/Universal Design
Cultural Awareness/DEI
Contemporary/Reactive Design
Sustainability/Adaptive Reuse
If you are unsure if your project falls under one of the above sub-topics, please contact us at info@paveglobal.org and we'd be happy to provide guidance.
STEP 2 - Create (4) 11” x 17” boards per the following criteria (important note: the same one project is to be used for all four boards):
Board 1:
​Design/project title
Project imagery: graphic elements of the selected project
Project Inquiry: What was your approach and research process for this project? What is the foundation of your design thinking? (Example: concept, parti, EBD, design theories)
Board 2:
Design/project title
Project imagery: graphic elements of the selected project
Project Inquiry: Which sub-topic was addressed and how? Why are you interested in this topic?
Board 3:
Design/project title
Project imagery: graphic elements of the selected project
Project Inquiry: Did you learn anything unexpected during the process?
Board 4:
Design/project title
Project imagery: graphic elements of the selected project
Project Inquiry: Do you think you accomplished your goals and how?
STEP 3 - Submit your entry by Monday, Nov. 4, 2024, before 11:59 PM ET/8:59 PM PT.
Reminder: Double-check your entry materials against the Submission Requirements before submitting your entry through Submittable.
PAVE utilizes a blind judging system, the student's name and/or school may not appear anywhere on the (4) project boards.
Boards should be submitted as PDFs in 11x17 landscape (horizontal) format.
Must include a complete copy of your current transcript (official or unofficial).**
All submissions and supporting documents must be submitted through the Submittable platform.
All applications must be received by Monday, November 4, 2024, by 11:59 PM ET/8:59 PM PT to be considered.
** Transcripts are utilized by PAVE administration to confirm your eligibility to participate as a current student. Transcripts will not be visible to judges on the review panel.​​​​
Student must be currently enrolled in a 2 to 4-year undergraduate or graduate program working toward a degree in design, architecture, or visual merchandising with an interest in pursuing a career creating and designing consumer environments.​
Student must be a full-time student, enrolled in at least 12 credit hours or equivalent.​
Student must be located and studying within North America.
If you are unsure if you are eligible to participate, please contact us at info@paveglobal.org.
For the quickest answers, check the Frequently Asked Questions page. If your question is still unanswered, please contact us at info@paveglobal.org.

Cornell University
2023 Winner

Yale University
2023 Winner